International Conference

for the presentation of Pandolea International

for sustainable development

 Webinar On-line Livestorm Platform

19 September 2020

9 am - 6:30 pm


Established in 2003 as a non-profit organization, the PANDOLEA Association brings together women strongly linked to the world of oil: from entrepreneurs to agronomists, from researchers to journalists and psychologists, from nutritionists to cosmetologists.

The leitmotif of the intense activity carried out so far by Pandolea is the spread of the culture of oil among the new generations, promoting educational activities in schools, visits to companies and tours in the olive groves to learn about the production of extra virgin olive oil and, at the same time, gain awareness in choosing a quality extra virgin olive oil.

In a constantly changing society, even the olive world is subjected to a rigorous reconversion. A driving force is therefore necessary that makes its autonomy from political conditioning or other pressures a value. In this sense, a lot of positive energy is needed, widespread entrepreneurship, a systematic relationship between culture and oil and large-scale international cooperation.

The Conference of 19 September 2020 is an essential starting point for Pandolea International to become an authoritative tool and interpreter for achieving the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030.

During the work of the Conference, which will take place online in Webinar mode on the Livestorm Platform, the participation of Italian and foreign experts is expected with the interventions of: Paolo De Castro Agriculture Commission European Parliament, , Andrea Sisti President WAA - World Agronomist Association, Teodoro Miano, VicePresident IAMB-CIHEAM, Enrico Giovannini, Spokesperson Asvis, Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, Sabrina Diamanti CONAF President, Loubna Amhair, Ministry of Agriculture of Morocco

he four special sessions planned, coordinated by Martina Montecchia, Sonda Laroussi, Irini Kokolaki, Nehaya Al Muhaisen, will deal with the themes dear to Pandolea in line with the objectives 2,4,5,8,11,12 of Agenda 2030: food education, entrepreneurship female, multifunctionality of olive farms and local identity, quality and sustainability of the production of extra virgin olive oil, with the participation of many countries of the Mediterranean basin (Italy, Jordan, Tunisia, Greece, Morocco, Spain)

The event is sponsored by the Ministry of Agricultural Agri-food and Forestry Policies, the World Association of Agronomists, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, University of Bari, the Council of the National Order of Agronomists and Forestry Doctors, the National Academy Olive and Spoleto Oil.

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